[perl #61870] [BUG] [META] Trac system borks authenticated user's privileges
(too old to reply)
James Keenan
2008-12-31 03:02:27 UTC
# New Ticket Created by James Keenan
# Please include the string: [perl #61870]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=61870 >

I know that committers are not supposed to be opening new tickets in
RT, but I am forced to do so since I and others can no longer do so
in Trac.

Tonight both GeJ and I encountered the situation that once we were
logged in to Trac -- a status which presumably made us
"Authenticated" users with TICKET_CREATE and TICKET_APPEND privileges
-- and once we attempted to set or modify our Preferences, a variety
of error messages started popping up which effectively negated all
our login privileges.

GeJ reported being logged in, but once having clicked on the New
Ticket button, being told, "Error: Forbidden. TICKET_CREATE
privileges are required to perform this operation". He also reported
this warning in a box underneath the Trac menu bar: "Warning:
<acct_mgr.web_ui.MessageWrapper object at 0x81a80b4c>"

While I was poking around RTFM, I clicked on Preferences and, under
the General tab, decided to add my user name and my email address.
Big mistake! I got this message underneath the Trac menu bar: "
Notice: <acct_mgr.web_ui.MessageWrapper object at 0x80cec96c>". And
when I then went to New Ticket, I got the same bad news as GeJ. I
got this: "Trac detected an internal error: Key Error 'email'".

And then, to add insult to injury, Trac told me, "To that end, you
could 'create' a ticket at this site." And when I tried to do so, I
saw that I no longer had TICKET_CREATE privileges.

This error is definitely on the server side, because (a) I removed
all cookies from the browser I was using, closed the browser,
reopened it and attempted to login again -- and got the same error;
(b) got the same error with a completely different browser.

So GeJ and I can no longer work in Trac.

Goodbye, Parrot project, at least until this is fixed!

Bob Rogers
2009-01-11 04:40:56 UTC
From: Allison Randal <***@parrot.org>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 19:47:21 -0800

When you update your email address in trac, it should resend the
authentication request. Once you confirm the change, you'll be set.


What about those of us who can't log in? I can't even reset my
password, let alone update anything . . .

-- Bob Rogers
Bob Rogers
2009-01-11 16:55:55 UTC
From: Allison Randal <***@parrot.org>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 01:13:06 -0800
Post by Bob Rogers
What about those of us who can't log in? I can't even reset my
password, let alone update anything . . .
It won't let you log in at all? Or, once you log in it won't let you do

I can't log in, though that may just be because I've forgotten the
password. But the odd thing is that the "Reset Password" page says "The
email and username do not match a known account", even though I know my
ID is "rgrjr" and there are only a few possible email addresses I would
have used (and Firefox even remembered my first choice).

I just reset your password, let me know if you don't get an automated
email about the update.


Haven't seen it, and nothing plausible has collected in my spam bucket
in the last 12 hours. What sender address should I be looking for?

Thanks for dealing with this,

-- Bob
