[perl #37934] [TODO] build - log file
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James Keenan via RT
2008-01-11 20:51:12 UTC
Can someone describe more specifically what we would need in a log file?
Joshua Hoblitt
2008-01-11 21:01:45 UTC
A log would be useful if it contained sufficient information to figure
out why a test passed or failed. Similar to autoconf's config.log (an
invaluable debugging tool when tracking down configuration problems).


Post by James Keenan via RT
Can someone describe more specifically what we would need in a log file?
Joshua Hoblitt
2009-02-07 02:44:24 UTC
Post by Joshua Hoblitt
A log would be useful if it contained sufficient information to figure
out why a test passed or failed. Similar to autoconf's config.log (an
invaluable debugging tool when tracking down configuration problems).
perl Configure.pl --test --verbose 2>&1 | tee myconfiglog
Even that would be helpful but do you really want to document that for
every possible shell that a user might be using and then have to point
people at that document constantly? In my expirence it's nice to be
able to just ask people to attach config.log from the build dir.
For some time now, we've also had Parrot::Configure::Trace, which
perl Configure.pl --configure_trace
... and then run methods to extract information about the status of the
Parrot::Configure object as it changes between configuration steps.
That's exactly the sort of verbosity that you want to go into a log


