[perl #62202] Problem with Configure.PL under Windows
(too old to reply)
Alan Rocker
2009-01-11 20:37:56 UTC
# New Ticket Created by Alan Rocker
# Please include the string: [perl #62202]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=62202 >

Running Configure.pl under Windows (XP Home), Strawberry Perl, produces
the following error message:

auto::gmp - Does your platform support GMP...Can't spawn
".\test_616.exe": Bad file descriptor at lib/Parrot/Configure/Utils.pm
line 86.

Windows also tries to "Phone Home", but I suspect it's the underlying GMP
failure that causes that.


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Mark Glines
2009-01-12 03:10:35 UTC
Post by Alan Rocker
auto::gmp - Does your platform support GMP...Can't spawn
".\test_616.exe": Bad file descriptor at lib/Parrot/Configure/Utils.pm
line 86.
Thanks, this is a known issue with the libgmp.dll built with strawberry
perl. (It was built with SSE2 instructions that aren't supported by
several classes of x86 processor, including my AMD Athlon XP.) I bugged
Alias about this a couple of times and even built and sent him a known
good library to replace it with, but the issue is still present in
strawberry perl.

Merging #62202 into #50212.

